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We are finally off! My parents and I finally got everything packed up and ready (as ready as we’ll ever be) and started our journey to the World Race training camp! We visited family in Indiana on the way and plan to end the day at a hotel in KY. This has been an exciting and hard journey saying goodbye for a while to so many people I love so much. This process is reminding me that God is in control and I am not and that He is always working for my good in every situation. I am so thankful for the dear friends and family that God has surrounded me with and their love, support and encouragement. Thank you to all of you for being in my life and the impact you are having on me. I am truly blessed beyond what I can comprehend or could ever deserve! Saying goodbye has been painful but I believe that God is trustworthy and He is working in the lives of everyone I’m saying goodbye to just as much as I know He is working in my life.

19 responses to “The Farewell Tour”

  1. It’s not goodbye… I believe this year will truly go by in a blink. Soak it all in and know that we are all praying for you back home. I look forward to hearing updates.

  2. God’s speed, Jules! We are so very proud and excited for you! We are anxious to share your journey from the home front. You were made for this!

  3. What a journey you are embarking on! I’ll keep looking for updates! So excited to see what God has in store for you!

    • Thanks, I’m excited too! His ways are higher and He is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine!

  4. Julia, good morning. Here’s a devotion I read this morning on WORSHIP. You get to do this in many parts of Gods creation for the next year.! Enjoy it!! We are praying for you!

    “From Dawn to Dusk

    Imagine, for a moment, this wonderfully diverse planet we call home. Everything you can imagine from the skies above to the deepest part of the ocean—God created all of it. And God created all of us to worship Him.

    From north to south and east to west.
    From bustling cities to quiet villages.
    From lifeless deserts to life-packed forests.
    From the highest mountains to the farthest oceans.

    “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised!”
    Psalm 113:3 NIV

    The sun “rises” and “sets” on all of us. All people, all languages, all nations. All skin colors, eye colors, and hair colors. All shapes, sizes, and personalities. Rich and poor. Aching hearts and contagious smiles.

    An eclectic mix of people from various parts of the world have always been praising God from generation to generation—and it continues to happen now. And we know it will never stop.

    In Revelation 7, John has a vision of a “great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb,” who is Christ. They are serving and worshiping, all day and night.

    God’s people—past, present, and future—are people who worship.

    We can worship with our songs.
    We can worship with our gifts.
    We can worship with our lives.

    And one day, when we finally see things clearly, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. But today, we don’t have to wait to worship.

    When sunlight streams through your windows, you can worship.
    When the evening sky turns orange-ish pink, you can worship.
    When you’re in a season of waiting, you can worship.
    When you’re in a season of receiving, you can worship.
    When your heart is breaking, you can worship.
    When your heart is full, you can worship.

    From dawn to dusk, let the name of the Lord be praised.

    Today, think about this verse and consider what compels you to worship God. Then, shift your heart toward Him and don’t forget to worship.”

  5. What a beautiful opportunity you have been given! I’m so happy for you Julia and will be praying for you along the way🙏🏻 I admire your servant heart for the Lord and I know he will bless you & keep you all the days❤️
    Peace be with you sweet girl✝️ I will be watching for updates!

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