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Uncomfortable things grow us. God is teaching me more and more that in life, most things that are worthwhile are in some way out of my comfort zone. I have been praying this prayer for months: “Lord strengthen me to do uncomfortable things that are good for me and that bless others and honor you. What uncomfortable things do you have for me to do?”
Since beginning to pray that prayer, I have had opportunities to do some uncomfortable things. I have been blessed to spend most Friday mornings over the past school year walking into a very loud, chaotic lunchroom and sitting down with tables full of middle schoolers I don’t know, in an effort to show them that they are important to me and important to God. Working with YFC Campus Life this school year has been such a blessing and I have loved seeing God work through us this year. And now I think God is leading me to something way farther out of my comfort zone.
I had heard about the World Race missions trips a bit over the years and first considered them in September of last year, as I was seeking what opportunities God might have for me in this season of life. I told my mom about it and she was pretty much on board from the beginning. I thought it sounded like an amazing opportunity but was a bit intimidated by the 11 month time commitment and especially by the idea of raising $19.700 of support! But as I got sucked back into everyday life and all the distractions in front of me, my dear mom kept praying and periodically bringing the trip up to me. After a long period of praying, considering, and asking others to pray, I finally signed up at the end of April!
By God’s grace, and with the invaluable support of so much family and friends, I am planning to leave at the end of August to train for two weeks in Georgia and then go with a team of young people on an 11 month trip to Kenya, Uganda, Turkey, Jordan, South Asia and Nepal!
Our organization has contacts in these countries whom we will be partnering with and we can’t wait to see the doors God will open and the things He will teach us! I would love for you to join us on this journey as I post updates of how God is working and teaching us and I would so greatly appreciate your prayer support and in whatever ways God may lead you!

2 responses to “Stepping Out”

  1. Oh Julia,
    What a beautiful blessing you are!
    I am looking forward to following your journey!
    I love your prayer,“Lord strengthen me to do uncomfortable things that are good for me and that bless others and honor you. What uncomfortable things do you have for me to do?”.
    That prayer is something we as believers can all learn and grow from. I just prayed for you and will continue as your journey continues.
    Blessings to you and your team !
    Miss Colleen

    • Miss Colleen, thank you so much for your sweet words and prayers! When you made this comment I was able to see it but I had to approve it to make it public and I couldn’t figure it out!😂 But this time it worked so I wanted to finally reply! May God bless you and your family!🤗

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