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I have finally arrived at training camp!!! It’s still a little surreal! My parents and I got to visit with some dear friends and stay with my aunt and uncle an hour away from camp the night before which was a big blessing! We got to visit, they graciously outfitted me with things I forgot 🤦‍♀️ and I got to repack my stuff again.

It was SO exciting to get to meet my squad and to hear stories from people here about their past races! I am so excited to be here and to see how God uses this year! Thank you to everyone for your prayers and a big thank you to everyone who has donated to my trip so far! Today we hit 50% of funds needed and I am so grateful for how God has used each one of you to make this trip happen! May His Kingdom come and His will be done in our lives as it is in heaven!

Prayer request: today (Sunday) is the final goodbye with my parents!😭 Please pray for God’s grace and comfort as we adjust to being apart for a while!


All our lighted tents while we got ready for bed


J-Squad finally together in person😊

A faint rainbow to remind us that God is faithful and keeps His promises 

16 responses to “It’s really real!”

  1. WOW, Julia!! This is really happening!! I am so thrilled and excited for you and will be praying all the way!!

    Love you, sweet friend. <3 <3 <3

  2. God blesses faithfulness. We will be praying for you and the team. I know the feeling of the bittersweetness that the goodbyes bring. Peace will come there. God is ALWAYS good. ❤️

  3. All of life with God is an adventure! There are some chapters, however, that are a little more daunting and require us to walk closer with God so as to not miss his directions. We pray that God will fill you with the knowledge of his will and glorify himself through you. God bless you!

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